Last-Minute Valentines: Lockdown Love & Gifts For Him

Left Valentines till the last minute? Want to find the perfect gift for him that’s thoughtful, quality and enduring? Pulling your hair out over where to go and what to find?

Never fear, Regent is here! Check out our quick and easy guide to showing a little lockdown love and finding the perfect Valentine gift for your man. We’ve broken things up into a simple price-based three-tier system (better than your tiers, Boris!) so you can work out what’s what in the world of Valentine’s gifts for men at Regent.

Love in the time of Covid

There’s no doubt lockdown’s been tough on those of us in relationships, be they long term or short, young or old, seasoned veteran or romantic novice. We’ve had to dig deep and find new ways to express ourselves, show each other we care, and go the extra mile. It’s also true it’s become clearer to us who we love and who we need! And now, in the midst of what’s surely been the toughest of the lockdowns, we’ve got a chance to show them we care.

Valentine’s Day rolls around again, a date which can often inspire a mild feeling of guilt, panic and irritation: I want to get him something great, but what? – something that he doesn’t know he wants – something that’s quality, not a bit of tat that’ll wear out in a week. We know that feeling, and that’s why we’ve come up with this blog post for the last-minute lockdown Valentine’s Day gift hunters.

Show a little love

Valentine’s Day is something to be excited about amidst all the uncertainty and gloom about at the moment: a reason to celebrate a love that goes beyond the day-to-day and will last longer than any pandemic. In order to celebrate and to offer a helping hand, we’re giving a special Valentine’s Discount to mark the occasion. Simply write code LOVEUS in to the box at checkout for a nifty 10% off, making everything that little bit more palatable. He need never know…

But what to get him? Below, we’ve assembled and curated a list of exciting, thoughtful, high-class and unusual gifts that you won’t find anywhere on the High Street or the likes of Amazon. From a lovely pair of socks right up to an exquisite timepiece to mark the time you’ve spent together, we’ve arranged a list broken into three rough price tiers, so that you can scroll through from the more frugal end to the more serious, thus catering to first-loves and golden anniversaries alike. After all, anyone can make a tier system better than Boris can! So let’s go!

Tier 1: Romantic Gestures

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